Our Patients’ Stories

Click on the Patient Story categories to read more stories from patients with similar symptoms who have been helped by Vision Specialists:

Dizzinessmore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve dizziness and lightheadedness

Paul, 54 years old

“I am no longer dizzy. I get no more spinning spells. I feel normal.”

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Headachestestimonials on how migraine headaches are cured using prismatic lenses

Sam, 45 years old

A year and a half later, I have been migraine and medicine free.

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Neck Ache / Head TiltMore patient stories on neck aches and resulting head tilting that can be cured using special prismatic lenses

Gail, 59 years old

After adjusting my neck for years, my chiropractor was amazed.

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Anxietymore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve problems with anxiety

Michael, 31 years old

It was as if I was living a life in darkness before having my new lenses.

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Motion Sickness/Nauseamore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve dizziness and lightheadedness

Janet, 64 years old

I can now read maps with no ill effects (sickness) what so ever.

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Reading Difficultiesmore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve dizziness and lightheadedness

Cindy, 13 year old

I can get homework done in class, because now I can concentrate.

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Double Visionmore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve dizziness and lightheadedness

James, 59 years old

“Corrected double vision helped my husband recover from a stroke.”

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Balance Problemsmore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve dizziness and lightheadedness

Donald, 73 years old

“After some test, I could see differences immediately.”

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Traumatic Brain Injurymore patient stories on how the use of special prismatic lenses will resolve problems arising from Traumatic Brain Injury

Richard, 33 years old

“I can’t believe how much glasses have helped my quality of life.”

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