vision misalignment signs

Through Elli’s Eyes: The Book

  Community Outreach Manager Elli Altman started as a patient of Vision Specialists of Michigan. Now she teaches others how to identify a vision misalignment. Four weeks ago, in the midst of a particularly interesting conversation, a man told me that he was going to send me a book.  Now, this is a book about […]

vision misalignment signs

Dyslexia, Anxiety Treated with Aligning Glasses: Through Elli’s Eyes

Elli Altman, Community Outreach Manager at Vision Specialists of Michigan, shares her experiences of patient’s treatments. One little girl was diagnosed with dyslexia and anxiety. She struggled in school, understandably, until a psychologist recognized her symptoms as a subtle vision misalignment. A precious seven-year-old girl came in for an evaluation.  With the sweetest disposition, she […]

Schools’ Vision Screening Won’t Show Vision Misalignment

Parents must pay attention to children’s attitude toward reading When a child undergoes the vision screening process at school, s/he is primarily being tested for how well s/he sees at a distance. While it’s important to know whether or not your child can see the blackboard, it’s not the only test on which you (as […]

vision misalignment signs

Daily Headaches: Through Elli’s Eyes

Through Elli’s Eyes: 2,555 VSM Community Outreach Manager Elli Altman shares her own experiences with a vision misalignment and her treatment here at Vision Specialists 2,555 That is the number of headaches I had in the seven years prior to my first visit to Vision Specialists of Michigan (VSM).  2,555 mornings when I awoke to […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

Struggling With Concentration

Concentration was always a struggle for me in school. I am 16 years old. I would always lose my focus after about thirty minutes of working. I did not have any symptoms such as headaches or dizziness, so I assumed I was a slower learner. Once in a while I would lose my place in […]