Elli Altman, Community Outreach Manager at Vision Specialists of Michigan, shares her experiences of patient’s treatments. One little girl was diagnosed with dyslexia and anxiety. She struggled in school, understandably, until a psychologist recognized her symptoms as a subtle vision misalignment.
A precious seven-year-old girl came in for an evaluation. With the sweetest disposition, she gave detailed answers when asked about school. She described her difficulty with reading – words jumping around on the page. With some awkwardness, she told how she could not ride a two-wheeler. She spoke of headaches and some trouble paying attention in school.
At the age of seven, this little girl sees an occupational therapist to work on coordination. Told that she has Dyslexia, she now sees a reading specialist. In first grade, teachers had also begun to comment on her inability to maintain concentration in the classroom. She is now on medication to help her with attention issues. When faced with academic struggles, as well as coordination issues that show up as clumsiness, school life becomes stressful. So, it is no surprise that she recently started to see a psychologist because she feels so anxious.
This psychologist happened to be aware that the common symptoms of vision misalignment–eyes that do not work as a team–include poor coordination, difficulty with reading and sustaining attention, anxiety (and more). Bravo to the psychologist for identifying the issue and making the referral. Bravo to the parents who immediately followed through. And hurray for this little girl. As she returns to school this year, wearing her new glasses that will align her vision, she will find that the obstacles she knew will no longer be there. Her aligning eyeglasses will improve her coordination, reading, attention and headaches.
And the anxiety? Well, with a decrease in the stressors on her, there is a very good chance that her anxiety will greatly lessen.
Yes, a pair of eyeglasses can do so much more than provide clear vision.