Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

Headaches, nauseous, and swaying from side to side!

I had headaches most of the time. I felt nauseous after I read books or while riding in the car or after I ate. I was taking Prevacid for acid reflux. I used to bump into things and people and sway from side-to-side while walking. Now that I have my new glasses I feel great! […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

My migraines were vision related!

I have been a migraine sufferer since I was 17 years old. They have always included a visual aura with light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, intense pain, and diarrhea. Between the ages of 20-23, 30-32, and 36-38, they were occurring on a weekly basis and were lasting anywhere from 4 hours – 2 days. I am […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

Migraine and Medication Free After Years of Pain

Thank you Dr. Debby, I had suffered from migraines for years, Dr. Debby helped me not only get off all medication but also not have migraines. My farsightedness was so bad, and my lenses were so thick that, I had trouble getting fitted for the right glasses. It took several years, to find a company […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

Cured in a day, Sooo much better now!

My eyes weren’t off by much, but the right eye is just a little higher if you look close. I am a good reader and type about 100 wpm, and I never got double vision. I was able to deal with it okay until I graduated and began working full time about 5 years ago. […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

Dizziness Symptoms Disappear in Several Situations

I had been experiencing dizziness when reading in certain situations, while sitting in traffic with moving vehicles on either side, and on take off and sometimes landing on airplanes. Now that I have received my new glasses I can now read with both eyes at the same time. I did not need Dramamine on the […]