In 1997, I was in a car accident that left me with a severe closed head injury. I was in a rehabilitation program for about 6 months but was unable to return to work because of short term memory problems and assorted other problems associated with a head injury.
I began to get migraines shortly after the accident, I was told this was associated with the head injury and was given prescription migraine medication. Sometimes the medicine helped and other times it didn’t do a thing.
It wasn’t until this spring when my sister, who also has migraines, told me about Dr. Debby. I was a little skeptical, after all, I had been seen by several doctors and nothing had helped.
Dr. Paul fitted me with prism glasses and after 9 ½ years of suffering with migraines and vertigo attacks, I haven’t had one since I’ve gotten my glasses. I can’t believe how much the glasses have helped with the quality of my life. I haven’t gotten dizzy or migraines, I can actually see depth of things that I didn’t realize I was missing. I now enjoy reading and working on the computer again.
Thanks Dr. Paul.
– P. P., female