Eight years ago I had a major head injury which caused me to have serious problems with reading and driving.
Through yoga and eye exercises I was able to recover some vision acuity, but even then, about one hour from starting to read, I would lose my vision acuity, and I would be dizzy, nauseated and, if I insisted in trying to read I would get a very serious headache. When I tried to drive, I would get very nauseated, dizzy and forgetful from the stress of focusing. Both of these seriously limited my capability of functioning and even doing things that were considered relaxing for others, were impossible for me to do.
Finally, in September 2008, I found out about the Vision Specialists of Birmingham and I saw Dr. Morrie Dubin. He worked with me several hours during the four testing sessions, as it was difficult to stabilize my eyes in order to measure them. Thanks to Dr. Dubin’s patience, perseverance and know how, in the end he was able to prescribe glasses that dealt with my eye misalignment.
By the time I found Dr. Dubin, my eyes were in such a bad shape that I could no longer read at all, which for me was a huge source of disappointment, as I am an avid reader. Also, my driving was already seriously impaired. The prescription given by Dr. Dubin allowed me to read once again to my absolute joy. I was also able to drive three times the distance that I was able to drive before getting the prismatic lenses. As a bonus, the new glasses also alleviated my dry eye complaints.
I am grateful for the wonderful work done by Dr. Dubin, for his patience and dedication to accuracy! I am also thankful to Dr. Debby Feinberg for her work to define more accurately how to test people like me, who suffered traumatic brain injuries.
I must also commend the staff at the clinic, as everyone is kind and considerate and has the patient’s best interests at heart.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
– S.S., 62 y/o female