This letter is one of Thanks to Dr. Debby and the wonderful staff. For changing my life!
Since June of 2002, I have been suffering untold stress and discomfort. I woke up one morning to find the world around me literally spinning. It was severe enough for my family to take me to the Emergency Room. Test after test did not reveal the source of my dizziness.
One doctor after another was seen, so many medications taken in a desperate attempt to stop my world from spinning (literally). My family members would have to hang on to my arm in an effort to steady me even for the simplest of things, walking from the car to a store, up onto sidewalk curbs, going for communion at my church, and shopping was only possible in stores with carts, so that I could steady myself upon them. Trips to the mall were only possible with a new rolling walker.
I felt so bad having to depend on everyone to help. I am 73, but mentally, I am a young 73. Having these issues made me feel like I was 100 years old. It made me feel like I was an invalid.
Finally, I went to yet another Ear Nose and Throat specialist, who also could not find anything wrong, but who knew Dr. Debby, and the wonderful things she was able to do for people like me. I am so grateful to this doctor for sending me to Dr. Debby. My life has totally changed!
After going through a series of tests, I could see the difference immediately! After having been unable to walk steady for so long, I felt like a small child learning how to walk again. The happiness in those moments cannot really be expressed. They say miracles don’t happen anymore, but as far as I am concerned, they do and they have.
I can only say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. And God Bless you for all that you have done to help those who have lost hope. You and your WONDERFUL staff are special people. God Bless each and everyone of you.
– D. P., 73 year old female