Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

After over 8 years of seeing Dr Debby

First of all, I have been having problems for as long as I can remember. I had eye problems all of my life. Being dizzy with the headaches. The seizures. were just the start. When I was 22 years old I was hit in the head with a baseball bat. Closed head injury. I was […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

I Knew Something Was Wrong

For years I’ve sensed that something was wrong. This something is difficult to articulate because it was a constant inexplicable feeling and seemed all encompassing. I lived in an invariable state of anxiety, dizziness, confusion and slight detachment. Augmenting to this sense; was the painful reality of daily nausea, neck pain, and pounding headaches in […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories


I saw Dr. Debby Feinberg at 1 o’clock today and I am still absolutely amazed. I was in a car accident 2-29-08 and since have had 19 surgeries total. I suffered from double vision and due to insurance issues; I went to the University of Michigan. They performed six surgeries on my eyes and were […]

Vision Specialists of Michigan, Patient Stories

11 years of misery ended with one visit

Nearly 12 years ago I was in a traffic accident, and several months later I was hit hard by a vicious dizzy spell. I had no idea what was happening to me. I was so nauseous I couldn’t eat, so dizzy I didn’t want to move. Prior to the attack I was healthy, fit, strong–a […]